Backyard Barbecue: THE FIGHT

Dr. Ross: Finally comes the moment we’ve all been waiting for. Let’s get this cooking, boys!

Muta: Going to be interesting to see Moltar’s very first match… As well as his first victory!

Rico: Right; Like the good for nothing perezoso is gonna beat the one who’s day job is literally killing people who do the same thing for a living.

Muta: Ah, but you misunderstand. Moltar is a criminal master mind while Pyro is a mere grunt! Well, I supposed we should just sit back and watch for now. We’ll continue this discussion afterwards!

Rico: Muy bien, Pendejo! For now; seeing your face as the Pyro leaves Moltar a smoldering corpse will definitely make this all worth while.

Maestro: Ladies and Gentlemen, Fanboys and Fangirls… It’s time to get caught in a Crossover Crossfire!

Continue reading Backyard Barbecue: THE FIGHT

Backyard Barbecue: The Prelude

(Credit to Jim Gallo for allowing me to use his Moltar artwork on the left. You can find more of his art on his website here: )

Dr. Ross: Pyromaniacs… troubled individuals who suffer from a disorder that can be dangerous if left unchecked. Such people have an strong uncontrollable urge (if not obsession) with starting fires and watching things burn to ashes as the flames spread and the smoke rises before all is consumed by an inferno… In other words, you would NOT wanna leave them in a room with a book of matches.

I’m not a Pyromaniac myself, but even I admit fire is awesome and it’s fun to watch shit go up in smoke! Hell, it’s why I called this VS series “Crossover Crossfire”. The word “Fire” is in the title for a reason after all!

Continue reading Backyard Barbecue: The Prelude

Moltar Sneezes a planet away

In an episode of Space Ghost Coast to Coast, Moltar sneezes so hard he not only shakes Ghost Planet Industries (The studio they film the show on) but even sends the entirety of Ghost Planet flying away:

Moltarsneeze2 by CrossoverCrossFireHQ

So how powerful was this sneeze?
Continue reading Moltar Sneezes a planet away

VS Bio: Moltar (Composite)

DISCLAIMER: YOU DON’T HAVE TO ASK ME PERMISSION TO USE THIS BIO. JUST PLEASE GIVE CREDIT WHEN YOU DO USE IT. I REPEAT; YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ASK ME TO USE THIS BIO. I JUST WANT TO BE CREDITED FOR MY WORK ON IT. Also note that this bio has not been updated since 2018, so there’s a chance it could be out of date if new media/information have surfaced since.

Moltar by DocMooBios


AKA: Moltor (Original spelling), Moltor of the molten planet, Hotboy, Molty, Lever Man
First Appearance: Space Ghost and Dinoboy Episode 17: The ovens of Moltor (
December 31, 1966)
Species: Molten Man (Describes himself as “a poorly drawn lava kind of a molten man”)
Age: Unknown
Occupation: Super Villain, Show Director, Host for Toonami, Cook, Waiter
Affiliation: Council of Doom, Ghost Planet, Toonami, Cartoon Network
Likes: Fire, burning things, Video Games, Green Jell-O, CHiPS (The old 1977 tv show), Erik Estrada, Beefaroni, Being a host, his wife Linda, Crime, Smoking, Heavy Metal, Batman, Rocky Road Ice Cream, old action cartoons, Beer, Kumquat Juice, Star Trek, Chocolate Party Cake, ect
Theme song:

Continue reading VS Bio: Moltar (Composite)