VS Bio: Mariandale

DISCLAIMER: YOU DON’T HAVE TO ASK ME PERMISSION TO USE THIS BIO. JUST PLEASE GIVE CREDIT WHEN YOU DO USE IT. I REPEAT; YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ASK ME TO USE THIS BIO. I JUST WANT TO BE CREDITED FOR MY WORK ON IT. Also note that this bio has not been updated since 2018, so there’s a chance it could be out of date if new media/information have surfaced since.

This bio also contains spoilers for Ixion Saga DT. If you don’t want it spoiled, don’t read further.

FullBodyMariandale by DoctorMooDB
AKA: Marian
First Appearance: Ixion Saga DT (
October 6, 2012)
Occupation: Maid, Rebel Leader
Affiliation: Kingdom of St. Piria, the DT’s (Her main group consisting of herself, Kon, Piria, and Sainglain), AEG (Anti-Empire Girls)
Likes: Cute and cuddly creatures, Flirting, Romance, Cooking, Drinking, Candied Apples, The Beach, Pretty clothes, Being herself

Theme Song:

Ep01 by CrossoverCrossFireHQ
Back Story:
World Lore:
– Long ago there was once a race of super humans known as the Ixion who lived in the land of Olvidia.

– The Ixion had the unique ability to harness and control a mysterious energy found within all substances and life forms within their world known as “Alma”.
– Eventually there was a massive civil war that devastated the Ixion population making it seem as though they were now all gone.
– It later turned out that some of the Ixion had managed to grant some humans the power to manipulate Alma Energy themselves. These humans became known as “Hyperions”
– Due to the lack of Ixion around, there weren’t many who could turn humans into Hyperions, they too would eventually dwindle in number.
– The few Hyperions that were left over had joined the militant fraction ‘incognito’.

Mariandale Back Story:
– Many years later, Mariandale was born the younger of two siblings.
Her older brother would later grow to become a fierce mercenary who worked for the kindgom of Jigglaburk.
– While most of Mariandale’s younger years are unknown, though Mariandale grew to fear her brother and even refused to ever face him on the battlefield due to sheer intimidation, so it’s likely they didn’t have a healthy relationship growing up. 
– At some point she became a combat maid in the kingdom of St. Piria, and was assigned to serve and protect the 36th Princess of St. Piria: Ecarlate Juptris St. Piria. (Or just ‘Princess Piria’ for short)
– During her time there, she would even start an underground rebel group called AEG (Anti-Empire Girls) which fought for the rights of those who wished to present themselves femininely and/or become women.
– As time went on, there was rising tensions between kingdoms with a massive war seeming imminent. 
– Their current mission was to capture (or even assassinate) Princess Piria to prevent her from completing her arranged marriage which had the potential to unite the kingdoms to help avoid war all together.
– Mariandale, a Swordsman named Sainglain, and a small army of knights were assigned to protect the princess as they escorted her across the land so she could eventually complete the marriage.
– However, they were pursued by a small army lead by a handful of Hyperions (Incognito) which chased them down and wiped out more and more of Piria’s knights day by day until finally only Piria, Mariandale, and Sainglain were left.

– But as luck would have it, a boy from another world (an Otaku Gamer named Kon Hokaze) fell into the battlefield. Not only would he join their team, but he would turn out to be a Hyperion himself which was of a great help to them.
– After that, they set off on an adventure to save the kingdoms and get Kon back home.
(Note: While there was an episode that talked about Mariandale’s background involving her originally being the run-away son of a divided kingdom, that was all fabricated in the context of the story by her friends to troll another character.)


StrengthFeat01 by DoctorMooDB
– Knocked out a solider with a single kick and knock a soldier flat on his back with a single punch.
– casually blocked a knife with a ladle from a beastly assassin who had previously leapt through the air and put all his body weight into it his strike, yet she didn’t even budge.
— She then picked up the beastly assassin who was bigger than herself, violently shook him, and threw him across the room.
– Can leap great distances and heights; once picked up and grabbed Kon and leap away from a large explosion.
– Can fight on par/evenly with Sainglain; the large muscular man who is the power house of their team (See “Scaling” below for more details)
– Can lift a large log over head and swing it like a baseball bat with ease
– All of this was before she got the ability to use Alma Energy, which she can further amp her physical abilities with. (See “Alma Energy” in “Special abilities” below)

MirandaleDura by DoctorMooDB
– Survived getting hit by one of Erec’s fire blast magic and survived with out injury.
– While she doesn’t have many durability feats, she could still be scaled to other character (See “Scaling” below).
– Later gained the ability to use Alma Energy, which she can further amp her physical abilities with. (See “Alma Energy” in “Special abilities” below)

SpeedFeat by DoctorMooDB
– Commonly out runs/escapes from armies of gunners/soldiers.
– Can also chase members of “Incognito” on foot (Who run faster than regular humans due to their use of Alma Energy).
– Reacted to an assassin who was trying to stab her in the back despite being focused on her cooking.
– Is very acrobatic and can easily jump/hop around the battlefield.
– Can dodge rockets from rocket launchers.
– All of this was before she got the ability to use Alma Energy, which she can further amp her physical abilities with. (See “Alma Energy” in “Special abilities” below)

Special abilities:

Heightened Awareness:
– Due to years of experience on the battlefield, Mariandale seems to have very vigilant and aware of things going on around her to the point where it almost seems like she has a sixth sense.
– Mariandale was able to spot and take down a sniper during a chaotic fight where she was also fighting off multiple soldiers.
– This also makes her very difficult to sneak up on.
– Reacted to an assassin who was trying to stab her in the back despite being focused on her cooking.
— Was also able to some how sense the presence of a member of “Incognito” while gathering mushrooms in the woods, so she was able to get the jump on him first (and even lead him into a trap).

Morning by CrossoverCrossFireHQ
– Can fight for long periods of time.
– Fought with Sainglain in a sword match (as well as numerous other swordsmen) for hours until the sun came up and showed no sign of fatigue once it was all over.
– Can have loads of alcoholic beverages one after another for hours with out getting drunk and once out drank a Hyperion.
— Even after a rather hefty consumption of alcohol, she still wasn’t drunk and was able to keep her wits about her; continuing to fool her a member of “Incognito” that Kon and Piria were dead.

MariandaleAlma by DoctorMooDB
Alma Energy:
– A fundamental energy found in all substances in her world.
– Very few can actually utilize this energy with Hyperions being one of the few. that can.
– Mariandale was finally able to channel this energy by the end of the series thanks to being granted the ability by Alma Flora.
– When in use, Mariandale’s body glows with a purple aura.
–While Mariandale isn’t seen using all of the abilities below; chances are she figured out how to use them within the 10 years after the events of the series.
– Users of Alma Energy can:
– Can create external pulses of Alma Energy that knock people away.
— They can even generate enough energy to destroy the environment around them (Especially if they clash).
– Can increase the height/distance one can leap in order to improve mobility during battle.
– Can make themselves more dense to destroy the ground or damage enemies upon landing.
— Can also be used to kick up a large dirt/dust cloud.
– Can create craters below them with just mere movement.
– Channel it into “Alma Gear” to strengthen it and create blasts of energy (See “Alma Gear Rifle” in “Weapons/Gear” below.)
– Enhance ones strength, speed, and durability above their usual human limits. (See “Scaling” below for more information)
— All in all, Mariandale would become fast enough to dodge/block incoming bullets and strong enough to destroy tanks.


GunSkill by DoctorMooDB
Fighting Skills:
– Expert gun fighter who’s skilled at dual wielding pistols akimbo.
– Skilled sharp shooter who can take down snipers from a distance.
– Is also good with throwing knives.
– Has shown herself very skilled with swordsmanship who can defend herself against other swordsmen.
— Can fight numerous sword wielders at once at the same time for an extended period of time and never get a scratch. 
– When within close range, Mariandale uses kicks to attack the opponent.
– Can often keep her wits about her in stressful situations.
– Is vigilant and aware to the point where it seems like she has a 6th sense.
– Is also good at setting traps for her foes and luring her foes to them.
– Will use her environment to take cover or use what ever she can get her hands on as a weapon if possible (Like when she threw scolding hot soup she was making into the face of an assassin).
– Is no stranger to seducing/charming her opponents to take them off guard.
– Will even go as far as to say naughty things with all kinds of implications and some times acts kinky and masochistic (Though this can all be an act to fool her foe).
— Was able to fool Eren and the rest of “Incognito” who interrogated her into believing that she was just a lusty masochistic moron with her behavior in order to withhold information from them.
– Her knowledge of healing herbs is comparable to that of professionals.
— Also has knowledge of mushrooms, which she can make use of in battle.
– Expert cook; Can cook pretty much anything (Including massive amounts of food in a short amount of time).

— Was able to replicate the taste of fast food using ingredients from her world based on Kon’s descriptions of it alone.
— Replicated it so perfectly that it felt like the real thing (Did so by using all kinds of small monsters/creatures as well as chemicals and concoctions she herself mixed up).
– Has musical talent; can sing and play the lyre.


Kyaaa by DoctorMooDB
– Is traditionally feminine, which she expresses through certain gestures, mannerisms, her clothing, her appearance, ect.
– Is very caring and motherly; Loves small cute cuddly creatures and children and is very protective of them.
– Very kind hearted; Enjoys taking care of her team mates and making them happy be it cooking them meals and will tend to them if they’re hurt or sick.
– Is very flirtatious and a total tease; she likes both men and women.
— She is also VERY romantic and dreams of finding the perfect partner; often going on long winded speeches about love.
— That being said, she does get very annoyed if some one tries to get between her and cute guys/cute girls.
– Despite her loving nature, it does not hinder her in battle what so ever and she takes fighting VERY seriously (Especially if it’s to protect the princess).
– Is very eccentric and sociable; Enjoys being the center of attention and social events and is often able to charm almost everyone she meets and knows how to work a crowd.
– Is also very patient; is one of the few capable of tolerating Kon and his annoying antics and is often able to shrug off his negativity or childish behavior.
– She speaks in a soft womanly tone, though her voice will deepen and become deeper and masculine when she’s enraged/angered or super excited by something she finds adorable.
Gender by DoctorMooDB
– While assigned male at birth, Mariandale always presented herself femininely (Even getting breast implants but never any bottom surgery).
– Despite this, she’d often alternate between thinking of herself as male or female (She even referred to herself as a man when she first met Kon)
and even considered herself to be somewhere in the middle. (Possibly genderfluid)
– Though with all this, she’s always been very comfortable with who she is and enjoys being herself.
– Though by the end of the series/the final episode, Mariandale decided to live her life as a woman now referring to herself as a female full time.


Pistols by DoctorMooDB
– A dual pair of pistols used for shooting enemies from a distance
– Seems to never need to be reloaded or run out of ammo
– Bullets can harm not only regular people, but also Hyperions (Beings who channel Alma Energy to increase their power)

THE GUN by CrossoverCrossFireHQ
“Alma Gear” Rifle:
– A special rifle she obtained that, instead of requiring ammunition, Mariandale channels her Alma Energy into it and fire it out in an orange concentrated beam of  energy.
– This became her primary weapon by the end of the series (and it’s shown she kept it and used it over the 10 year time skip)
– Is surprisingly durable; has been used to block sword strikes powered by Alma Energy.
– Fires out orange beams of alma energy which explode when they hit their targets.
– Is good for clearing out small groups of enemies and machinery such as tanks.
– It appears the size and power of the beam are based on the amount of energy Mariandale places into the attack.
— When Mariandale pours a ton of energy into it, she unleashes her poorly named personal attack: “Take it or leave it Thunder” which is a massive explosive beam of concentrated Alma Energy.
– Her Alma Energy out put should be on par with Kon using Alma Energy to destroy a tank, the time Kon and Erec destroyed a cliff side when they clashed, and Erec using Alma Energy to destroy a dragon. (Especially given the 10 year time skip to hone and strengthen her Alma Energy)
– If Mariandale runs out of Alma Energy, she won’t be able to use her Alma Gear Rifle and will need to switch weapons.

Bra by DoctorMooDB
Iron bra padding:
– Thick iron pads Mariandale puts in her bra for additional protection.
– Are capable of stopping even point blank gun fire.

Knife by DoctorMooDB
– Just a regular knife.
– Most likely one of the knives she keeps on hand for cooking.
– Possibly a sharpened kitchen knife considering Mariandale is a cook.
– She’s also very good at throwing knifes at enemies.
– Some times has rope handy to help her set/spring traps to go along with the knife.

– Just regular rope.
– Mariandale can use it to set traps or restrain enemies.

Ointment by DoctorMooDB
– Used for treating small wounds and treating poison.
– Most likely mixed from medical herbs.
– Carried in a small yellow bottle and applied with a rag.

Mushrooms by DoctorMooDB
– Mushrooms that Mariandale collected herself from the wilderness.
– These mushrooms have poison spores that, if inhaled, will cause the target to fall asleep.
– She often carries them in a small sack.
– If Mariandale can shove some one’s face/head into that sack (or just get an opponent to inhale the spores in general) they will fall asleep, which can give Mariandale enough time to restrain them or finish them off.

Swordsmanship by DoctorMooDB
Sword of Justice:
– Just a regular sword that Mairandale has in a sheath on her hip.
– Mairandale seems very skilled with it and is able to fight evenly with other sword/blade wielders.
– Used when she dons her “Rebel Leader” outfit and persona. (See below).

Throwing-knife by DoctorMooDB
Throwing Knives:
– Very small throwing knives.
– Mariandale seems to be able to throw them with good accuracy.
– Used when she dons her “Rebel Leader” outfit and persona. (See below).

Alter Ego:

AlterEgo by DoctorMooDB
Rebel leader outfit:
– When Mariandale attends her “Anti-Empire Girls” meetings and fights other rebel leaders, she often takes on a different persona and puts on a different outfit and mask.
– While in this outfit, Mariandale acts more mysterious and much more serious; more like that of a knight (albeit still somewhat dramatic/theatrical)
– Also fights differently; is more acrobatic and makes use of swordsmanship and throwing knives opposed to guns.
— This is likely so people don’t figure out she’s Mariandale based on her usual weapons and fighting style.


Base form:
– Can keep up with a Hyperion while chasing him through the woods; who are likely much faster than regular humans.
— Kon (Who turned into a Hyperion) once out raced a wolf-like creature on foot; if anything like a real wolf, it might run 50 t0 60 km/h (or 31 to 37 mph).
– Can be scaled to Sainglain, who is strong enough to hold back a small crowd of guards and throw them
and mow down knights on the battlefield.
— Mariandale and Sanglain have fought each other with bladed weapons for long periods of time with out holding back and appeared to match each other in terms of skill and strength.
– Can be scaled to Kon, who can take beatings from Piria and take blows that send him flying like a rag doll.

With Alma Energy:
– Can be scaled to Kon, who can casually shatter stone walls with a single kick.
– Can be scaled to Erec and Kon who can create a cliff-destroying shock wave and tank being at the epicenter of said shock wave.
– Can be scaled to Kon, who destroyed a tank with his Alma Energy.
– – Can be scaled to Erec who survived a direct hit from the same attack (and walked out with out a scratch)
– Can be scaled to Kon and Eric who’s Alma Energy clash shattered a cliff side.

– Hyperion/Members of Incognito are often fast enough to block and intercept bullets.
— By the end of the show, Mariandale is able to keep up with them in battle in both speed and power thanks to her Alma Energy.
– Can probably be scaled to Erec, who one-shot dragons as big as house and sliced boulders in half.
— While Mariandale is unlikely as powerful as Erec, she was still able to intercept/block and hold back Erec’s killing blow to Kon (He likely had no reason to hold back since he fully intended to kill Kon due to his vendetta)


Full Group by CrossoverCrossFireHQ
– Was one of the only two who was able to protect Piria and survive much longer than all of Piria’s knights/guards after constant encounters with Incogntio/Hyperions.
– Along with Sainglain and Kon; Helped to protect Princess Piria from the military group “Incognito” to escort her back to her kingdom safely.
– Beat the ever loving crap out of the infamous serial killer “
Georg” and scared him off when he tried to assassinate her while she was cooking.
– Was able to successfully hunt down numerous wild monsters one after another to make burgers out of them.
– Was able to help trick the members of “Incognito” that Princess Piria and Kon had been assassinated.

– Managed to scare, chase down, trap, and knock out Gustave Gustaf (One of five Hyperions in charge of “Incognito”) all by herself.
– Got into a free-for-all battle with a bunch of Rebel Leaders and survived an entire night of combat with out a scratch armed only with a sword.
– Was deemed worthy to become a Hyperion; a being capable of channeling “Alma Energy”.
– Along with Kon, Piria, and Sainglain; Survived running across/escaping from numerous hazardous war zones and help take on an army of Ulberion (Man-made Hyperions created by the Ulga Sorority)
– Along with her group; teamed up with their long time rivals/enemies. “Incognito” to help bring an end to a war between kingdoms.
– Rescued Kon from being killed by Eric during their final show down and ended their feud by having Almaflora give her testicles to Eric to restore his manhood and pride.


Weaknessmaybe by DoctorMooDB
– More used to fighting from a distance (Though she is not afraid to throw down up close when pushed to the limit)
— That said, she has shown she’s capable of holding her own in close range combat with swordsmanship.
—Though she’ll only fight with a sword as her rebel leader persona; it’s unknown if she’d use her sword/sword fighting skills outside of that (Up to the writer).
– Alma Energy can run out after a awhile, though it does take a long time.
— Once she does run out, she will be reverted back to her base stats and be unable to use her “Alma Gear”.
– Even if she doesn’t run out of Alma Energy; if she lowers her guard/stops using her Alma Energy for any reason, her durability lowers back to base.
– Mariandale is VERY superstitious and is afraid of things stereotypically associated with bad luck (Breaking mirrors, black cats crossing her path, popping/tearing off a Geta strap on a sandal, ect).
— She is also has a phobia of dog poop due to a superstition of her world in which one who gets dog poop on their hand and wipes it on the ground will end up getting bad luck.
— Oddly enough, that actually turned out to be true. (Those cursed are afflicted with all kinds of misfortunes one after another) and the ritual to counter the bad luck would take too much time/help to use in a fight.
– Can some times fall for obvious disguises.
— Couldn’t recognize Kon when he was wearing a lucha libre mask, Sainglain when he was wearing a tiger hood, or Variation when he was wearing a pair of glasses with a fake nose attached (allowing him to shoot Mariandale point blank and knock her out).
 — This is surprising considering Kon and Sainglain are both personal friends of hers that she’s traveled with while Variation is an enemy she’s battled on several occasions.
– Has a great fear of her own older brother.
– Has a great fear of Princess Piria when she’s on her “Hyper Activity Period”.

MariandaleFinale by DoctorMooDB
“Sometimes, love is a truly brutal thing… and yet that’s why people fall in love!”

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I've gone by many names: DoctormooDB, DoctorMoo, DocMoo, or just "Moo". I fancy myself a story teller first and a VS researcher/debater second. But hey, I'm just here to have fun and write about my favorite characters beating the snot out of each other.

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