VS Bio: Space Ghost (Original)

NOTE: This bio DOES NOT contain information from anything related from “Space Ghost Coast to Coast”. If you wish for a coast to coast bio, check out this one instead: VS. Bio: Space Ghost (Coast to Coast)

DISCLAIMER: YOU DON’T HAVE TO ASK ME PERMISSION TO USE THIS BIO. JUST PLEASE GIVE CREDIT WHEN YOU DO USE IT. I REPEAT; YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ASK ME TO USE THIS BIO. I JUST WANT TO BE CREDITED FOR MY WORK ON IT. Also note that this bio has not been updated since 2018, so there’s a chance it could be out of date if new media/information have surfaced since.

Space Ghost66 by DocMooBios

Space Ghost

Real Name: Thaddeus Bach
Alias: Thad, Captain Kyr
First Appearance: Space Ghost and Dinoboy Episode 1 “The Heat Thing” (September 10, 1966)

Age: Unknown
Weight: 200 lbs
Occupation: Peace Keeper, Galactic Super Hero
Affiliation: The Commandment,  The Space Force, Ghost Patrol (His group consisting of himself, Jan, Jace, and Blip)
Likes: Justice, Saving people, Keeping the peace, Picnics, defeating bad guys, his wards Jan and Jace, His pet/side kick Blip
Theme song:

Back Story:

OriginSG by DocMooBios
1966 and 1981 cartoon:
– No back story was given or hinted at; But Space Ghost definitely built up a reputation across the galaxy from all the lives he saved and all the villains he took down over the years.
– Patrolled the galaxy in his phantom cruiser with his two side kicks “Jan and Jace” as well as their pet Monkey Blip who aided him on his heroic endeavors.
— That, or they’d get kidnapped and he’d need to rescue them
– Though the DC comics tried to give him an origin story (Albeit two different ones).

2005 DC Comics:
– Was once a married man named Thaddeus Bach and an officer of “the Commandment”, an interstellar police force.
– Was later recruited to join the “Eidolon Eight” to fight and destroy evil.
– He discovered they were lawless vigilantes and tried to severe ties with them.
– They killed his wife Ellia (Who was pregnant with their son) and then left him for dead on a lifeless planet.
– While there, Bach met Salomon (A hermit who lived on a planet that killed off it’s entire population thanks to the weapons he built, which he deeply regretted) and later took some of his weapons to get revenge on those who left him for dead.
– While he did fight primarily to get revenge on the Eidolon Eight; he later realized that protecting the innocent was more important.
– Got his Super hero name from Jan and Jace’s stories of a “Space Ghost” who would punish misbehaving children
– Later established his headquarters on Saloman’s lifeless planet and renamed it the ghost planet (Think of it as the bat cave… except it’s an entire planet).
– Since then he has vowed to fight in the endless war on evil and has since raveled the universe.
– Later became the ward of Jan, Jace, (and their pet monkey, Blip.) and together they formed the “Ghost Patrol”.

Future Quest:
– Was once part of the “Space Force” where he went by the name of Captain Kyr.
– The “Space Force” were 
interplanetary protectors made up of beings from different planets across the who fought crime all over the galaxy using power bands (Kind of like the Green Lantern Core but on a smaller scale).
– They were stationed on the planet Voranova; which was formerly the central governing world of an entire star system.
– On day the planet was ravaged by the planet devouring entity known as “Omnikron” whom the entire Space Force had to fight off while the rest of the surviving populace evacuated to other worlds.
– Captain Kyr was the only survivor at the end, and the battle had left the entire planet drained and unable to sustain any more life, hence it became a “Ghost Planet”.
– Later used what technology he could salvage to continue fighting crime across the galaxy, now going by the name “Space Ghost” who now uses the “Ghost Planet” on his base of operations.
– Hopes to one day rebuild the “Space Force”, and is currently training Jan and Jace to become the first of a new generation of Space Force members in years. 


SGStrength by DocMooBiosStrengthSGBAT by DocMooBios
“He may have my wrist bands, but I still got my strength!”
– His physical strength is enhanced thanks to his power bands.
— Though he’s shown he still has super human strength even with out his power bands, they just amplify it further.
– Tends to beat up, pick up, and throw aliens who are larger than himself.
– If often able to smash through walls of metal/steel or solid rock by flying straight into/through them.
— Often uses this to 
break his way into/out of fortresses, caves, secret bases, or space ships.

1966 Cartoon:
– While shrunken down and stripped of his power bands, Space Ghost was able to punch a large carnivorous alien cat hard enough to make it fly back.
– Can throw large heavy cages around like they’re beach balls.
– Can easily smash through walls of rock or metal by crashing straight through them.
– Throw Metallus’s “Mini Meteors” 
right back at him so hard they made him stumble back.
– Can easily tear up large metal machinery.
– Can pick up and throw a large mechanical Locust.
– While fading from getting bombarded by sleep gas, he still had enough strength to bend metal bars and take down his enemy (and remained completely conscious).
– Slugged it out with a viking twice his size who was strong enough to take Space Ghost’s attacks.
– Can punch hard enough to leave a huge imprint/bend in a metal viking shield 
(Note: Real viking shields were made of wood).

1981 Cartoon:
– Was able to wrestle a giant snake much bigger than himself without needing his power bands.
– Forced open the jaws of a giant shark robot from the inside and held it up long enough to let all the other space ships inside escape.
– Can lift and throw large chunks of debris with his bare hands that normal civilians can’t lift.
– Can tear open/bust down large heavy metal doors bigger than himself with his bare hands.
– Can bend metal with his bare hands.
– Tore off the wing of a giant robot dragon.
– Even after getting his powers/power bands nullified, Space Ghost had enough strength to knock a metal door off the hinges with just one punch.
— Even without his wrist bands, Space Ghost claims he still has super strength (Though chances are he’s not nearly as strong as he is with them on).
– Can use his brute strength to push a giant ship (One that dwarfs even the Phantom Cruiser) through space.
– Once intercepted a speeding ice comet in space, stopping it in just seconds with his brute strength before then carrying it back to the Ghost Planet as fast as he could so he could smash it down upon a “Star Beast”.
— When he saw that the Star Beast had been pacified, Space Ghost just chucked the comet far away before blowing it up.
– When his Phanton Cruiser stopped working and began to plummet,
 Space Ghost was able to fly out, grab it, and carry it himself all the way down for a safe landing
– Grabbed a swooping Pterodactyl-like alien out of the air, spun it around above his head for a few seconds, and then tossed it away.
– Once threw a Satellite so hard that the impact could be seen from space.

2005 DC Comics:
– Even BEFORE he became a super hero, Thad himself was shown to have peak human to super human strength.
– During this time, he was strong enough to fight aliens and robots hand to hand
– When he found out his wife and unborn son were murdered, Thad was so angry he snapped the metal chains that had previously bound him to a chair
– Can easily fly/plow/borrow under ground.
– Can plow straight through Zorak’s combat vehicles one after another with enough force to make them explode.
– With only 5% power in his power bands and 3% power for his force field, Space Ghost was able to move a Zorak’s space ship (Which was big enough to destroy an entire town upon crashing) all the way above the planet’s atmosphere where it exploded far away to hurt anyone.
— Considering Space Ghost can hurt Zorak who can hurt him, he is likely AT LEAST small building level (likely higher).


– Can likely lift large boulders over head like his evil android counter part (Who was his equal to him in power) (1987 Comic).
– Was able to lift and flip Metallus (A much larger foe wearing heavy metal armor) over his head and onto the ground (1987 Comic).
– Punched an iron ore satellite hard enough to make it bounce/ricochet off of others (1997 Archie Comic).
– Isn’t forced back by the strength of his own power bands when they fire (All incarnations).
— Hal Jordon was flung back when he tried to use them  (Green Lantern/Space Ghost Special).
– Can uproot trees from the ground and chuck them far distances with just one hand (Green Lantern/Space Ghost Special).
– Can smash large stalagtite-like spikes being shot towards him to pieces with his bare fists (Batman: Brave and the bold).
– His power bands appear to enhance his striking power, allowing him to charge his fists with energy as he delivers a punch 
(Batman: Brave and the bold).
– Can hit giant alien monsters with enough strength to make them stagger 
(Batman: Brave and the bold).
– Is strong enough to resist the pull a “Quantum Sinkhole” (Future Quest).

Hammered by DocMooBios
Durability, Endurance, and Stamina:
– Space Ghost’s durability is likely thanks to the force fields his suit can generate, allowing him to take a lot of abuse with out much damage as a result (See “Force Field” here).
– In all incarnations, Space Ghost is capable of breathing/talking in space (Even with out his force fields/power bands).

1966 Cartoon:
– Likely wall to small building level AT LEAST given his escape velocity/G-force (Calc Here).
– Smashes/Flies through walls of rock or metal by crashing through them and never gets hurt.
– Could take a beating from Zorak’s giant robot champion “Titanor” who was strong enough to hammer Space Ghost into the ground with just it’s fists.
— Can resist Titanor’s “Force Ray” which is capable of making an “indestructible sheet of styranatanium” (which is likely a very powerful space age material) shatter into pieces.
— Keep in mind Space Ghost was able to endure all this while he was weakened due to being separated from his real power bands (and still had enough strength left to not just walk away with out injury, but also return shortly after for a counter attack once he got his real power bands back).
—- If we scale the ‘styranatanium’ to real world Titanium (which has 
a tensile strength of 63,000 psi) and take into account it’s  length, width, and thickness via pixel scaling, this would mean that Titanor’s force beam would be at least 0.051 tons of tnt. The fact that Space Ghost endured it and survived with no injury (Despite being left weak and weary) would scale him to that kind of power making him small building level in terms of durability WITH OUT his force field on.
– Resisted inhaling large amounts of sleeping gas and still had enough strength to bend metal bars, defeat his foe, and remain conscious afterwards.
– Survived being sucked inside of and spun around inside of a “Space Cyclone” (Which was a weird tornado in space generated by one of Brak’s weapons) without injury.
— Was likely comparable to that of an EF-5 Tornado which has wind speeds of 250 to 300 mph that are capable of throwing cars half a mile.

2005 DC Comics:

– Before he got his suit, he miraculously survived a point blank blaster shot that left him with a fatal wound (before he was then left to die on an abandoned planet) long enough for Salomon to find him and nurse him back to health (2005 DC Comics).
– After getting stabbed by a large spear by Zorak, he has enough strength left over to break one of his claws with his fist and discharge loads of energy from his power bands (2005 DC Comics).
— Continued fighting Zorak’s entire army the following day as if nothing happened 
(2005 DC Comics).
– Can fly straight through Zorak’s combat vehicles one after another with enough force to make them explode with out getting hurt himself (2005 DC Comics).

– Tanked a really big explosion when he was caught off guard by a trap, only to return a page later very pissed off (2005 DC Comics).
— Considering the damage done to Space Ghosts costume, it was likely his force field was NOT up at the time (As his force field can also protect his costume from damage) despite the fact that Space Ghost himself was uninjured, meaning he likely tanked it.
— This likely makes Space Ghost’s durability higher than small building level.

– Endured getting crushed between two of Brak’s Impregnar Sheilds (1966 Cartoon/1987 Comic).
– Resisted Lurker’s “Sleep Mist” gas and didn’t completely succumb to it; and instead shook it off minutes later and kept fighting (1987 Comic).
– After receiving a beating from Metallus (Who could bend a powerful metal called “Stiranotanium” with ease), Space Ghost was still in good enough shape to dodge attacks from his evil android counter part and last long enough for Jan and Jace to get his power bands back to him so he could fight back (1987 Comic).
– Once survived being hit by two anti-matter rays; instead of being eradicated his molecules were merely disrupted which allowed him to continue to existing in a transparent matter phasing form long enough before he was turned back to normal.  (1997 Archie Comic).
— While in that state he was capable of being seen (he just looked transparent), fly, and talk to people, but he was unable to interact with the physical world and just phased through everything (This he can’t use his power bands).
— While he is able to get back to normal, doing so requires someone else to use his power bands to shoot a large “reverse polarity blast” at him. Without anyone doing that, he remains intangible unable to touch/move anything physical.

– His force field was strong enough to protect him from an explosion that wiped out not just Omnikron, but also the entirety of the rest of the Space Force  (Who had devoured several worlds, making the entity at least planet sized at that point) (Future Quest).
– Has incredible stamina and will power; fought the entity “Omnikron” for days through hyperspace (A space with more than three dimensions where one can move faster than light) to keep him away from the planet earth all by himself (Future Quest).
— During that time he was capable of keeping himself from being assimilated by Omnikron  (Who assimilates beings by simply touching/ensnaring them) and destroyed most of his body during the fight (Future Quest).
– After fighting and defeating the 
orange lantern Larfleeze in a fight, he still had enough energy left over to fight Green Lantern Hal Jordon in a 1 on 1 fight and fight him to a draw (Green Lantern/Space Ghost Special).
– Can take attacks from Green Lantern Hal Jordon’s ring (Green Lantern/Space Ghost Special).
– Can also take his own power band blasts being redirected at him and get up to keep fighting(Green Lantern/Space Ghost Special).
— Said blasts were powerful enough to knock out the likes of Orange Lantern Larfleeze and even bust through Hal Jordan’s force field construct from his Green Lantern Ring 
(Green Lantern/Space Ghost Special).

AnotherSpeedFeat by DocMooBiosAnotherSpeedfeat by DocMooBios
Speed, agility, and reflexes:
– Reaction and Travel Speed seems to consistently be Massively Hypersonic + on average due to many comet feats.
– Has caught up to speeding ships in space and even out flown them on occasion (Which were often as fast as his phantom cruiser or the phantom cruiser itself) which can travel to different planets across the galaxy in a short amount of time, making his travel speed at least FTL+ (or even MFTL+) on average.
– Can navigate/pilot the Phantom Cruiser which goes from Massively Hypersonic+ to FTL+ to MFTL+ speeds, so that might scale to his reaction over all speed.
– Often dodges “Death Rays’ and similar kinds of futuristic beams/rays of energy during his fights.

1966 Cartoon:
– Can move around under water as quickly as he can through the air
– Once dodged point blank blaster fire from just inches away.
– Space Ghost was able to fly fast enough to get far away from the range of a planetary explosion in 17 seconds (Giving him massively Hypersonic + travel/flight at least).
— He consistently is able to fly so fast, he can escape from the blast radius of a planetary explosion in just seconds (Happened with Moltor’s molten planet, The planet of the Gargoyloids, as well as the planet that the Council of Doom were stationed on).
– Can also dodge “Megaton Force Rays” (Rays that disable/destroy power sources) from enemy ships while in the middle of flying through space
– Can be scaled to Jan and Jace, who can navigate their space ship at full speed while dodging enemy Megaton Force Rays (Their small ship is just as fast as the Phantom Cruiser).
– Was able to spin his body fast enough to repel and escape from a large swarm of metal-eating space locusts..
– When an alien drone stole the phantom cruiser, Space Ghost was capable of chasing it through space by flying after it (Despite the Phantom Cruiser having a head start) and chased it all the way to a distant planet.
— The Phantom Cruiser is made specifically for space travel and getting to different planets, and is said to travel at the speed of light (Likely higher because it can travel to different planets in different solar systems which are lightyears away from each other in less than a day).
— Often when Space Ghost’s phantom cruiser is broken down, Space Ghost will fly to different planets by himself.
– Once managed to keep up with and even out race Metallus’s “Super Missile”, A missile that can travel to planets and explode with enough force to make them crumble to dust.
— The “Super Missile” was capable of traveling to earth in just a minute.
— If we assume that Metallus launched the missile from planet Venus (The closest planet to earth which is about 162,177,881 miles away) that would mean the missile was traveling at Mach 12,682,212 (14 X the speed of light).
—- Space Ghost was able to catch up AFTER the missile itself had a head start, and was even able to fly ahead of it, so chances are he was going much faster (Giving Space Ghost a potential travel speed of FTL+).
—– However, this is a HUGE low ball since it’s possible that Metallus’s fortress/missile launching bay was on another Solar System, as his missiles were capable of reaching and detonating “Dead Planet Beta” (A misshapen rocky planet not at all located in Earth’s Solar System) in just 50 seconds.
—— If we assume the “Super Missile” traveled from the nearest Solar System (Which would be 4.24 Light Years away) and only took a minute to detonate the earth, that would mean it was traveling at Mach 1,949,146,532,944.60, meaning Space Ghost was moving at AT LEAST 2,230,066 X the speed of light (Putting Space Ghost at MHS+).
– The previous feat might have been the result of Super Speed/Hyper Speed (See “Super Speed/Hyper Speed” here

1981 Cartoon:
– Can be scaled to Jace, who often drives his space ship at full speed towards speeding comets and turns at the last second to avoid them in a game of ‘chicken’ (Which can reach speeds of up to Mach 1717.25, giving Jace Massively Hypersonic+ reaction speeds).
– Space Ghost himself can maneuver/navigate the Phantom Cruiser, which at base speed can fly as fast enough to stay ahead of a speeding comet that was capable of following/pursuing space ships.
– Can maneuver the Phantom Cruiser through asteroid fields.
– Flew off Ghost Planet and into space to grab a speeding comet of ice in just 15 seconds (Which he intercepted) and flew back carrying said meteor in 34 seconds.
– Once literally ran circles around a plant alien so fast that he (some how) cut the floor underneath it with out it’s knowing before it then fell through to the floor below.
– Flew to the north pole of the planet Quasar in a short amount of time
– Dodged lasers being shot at him by a living crystal cyborg.
– Can probably be scaled to the Herculoids, who is fast enough to dodge Zeus’s lightning (Due to being able to fight them while he was hypnotized).

– Can dodge sonic blasts from astrodactyls (Batman: Brave and the bold).
– Dodged a comet while driving his Phantom Cruiser through space  (1967 Comic).
– Was fast enough to intercept a racing asteroid in space and insert the orb that Satanari was sealed into inside of it so it could speed away with her trapped inside (1968 Little Big Book).
— A speeding asteroid can go anywhere from 1000 mph to 50,000 mph (Mach 65).
– Can circle a planet in a short amount of time (1968 Little Big Book).
– Once circled an entire planet twice in a short amount of time (1987 comic)
— Considering Space Ghost can fly at massively hypersonic speeds (at least 767269 mph) this means he likely can circle an entire planet in 2 minutes (Assuming the planet in question has 24900 mile radius like Earth).
– Can dodge power band blasts from his evil android counter part who is equally powerful (1987 comic).
– Fought the entity Omnikron while going through hyperspace for days (Future Quest).
— Hyperspace is described as a space of more than three dimensions, as well as a notional space-time continuum in which it is possible to travel faster than light.
— Considering Omnikron was capable of moving through such a space and Space Ghost was able to fight him there for days, this might mean Space Ghost’s reaction/combat speeds could be well over faster than light. (Future Quest).
– Was able to speed blitz Green Lantern Hal Jordan (Twice) who has MFTL+ reaction speeds (Geen Lantern/Space Ghost Special).
— Was also able to keep up with and knock out the orange lantern Larfleeze in a 1 on 1 battle (Who also has MFTL+ reaction speeds) (Green Lantern/Space Ghost Special).
— Considering Space Ghost has a MFTL+ speed feat in the original show as well, this seems consistent.

Special Powers:

DodgingInSpace by DocMooBios
Space Survival (All incarnations):
– Space Ghost has a strange ability to breath in space.
– Can also talk in space (Which makes no sense).
— Surprisingly enough this even applies to Space Ghost when he’s under water
– Also seems to be completely unbothered by the coldness/vacuum of space in general.
— Never explained if it’s the result of his power bands or his suit.
— Unlikely that it’s his power bands since he has flown through space with out them on occasion (1981 Cartoon and 1987 Comics).
– This could be an ability shared by other people in his universe; Jan, Jace, and Blip were able to do it, The Teen Force were able to do it, and even the Herculoids have shown they can some how breath in space (Dorno, a child, was capable of flying through space on the back of Zok, a space dragon with no problems what so ever.
— Though they are all often described as “Humanoids” and not “Humans” so it’s likely they might not function like actual humans (Since none of them are from earth).
– Has stated/shown that he doesn’t need oxygen to survive  (Coast to Coast).
— Was completely fine when MOE cut off the oxygen of the Ghost Planet Industries building (Coast to Coast).
— Though it’s unknown if Space Ghost Coast to Coast should count to back this up.

Self-Teleportation3 by DocMooBios
Self-Teleportation (1967 Comic Book/1968 Little Big Book):
– Learned from one of his teachers.
– Space Ghost concentrates, changing every atom of his body into “Pure Thought Energy” that’s transported by his own will.
– Was used to instantly teleport him 1,000,000 miles ahead of his own space ship to Zorak’s lair.
– Is said to be as “Instantaneous as thought“.
– Can be used to escape from restraints, as when he teleports the restraints are left behind.
– However, Space Ghost cannot use it if he’s unable to concentrate for any reason.
— The “Electric Scream of a Sonic Probe” was enough to keep him from concentrating.
– In other words; it’s essentially Instant Transmission from Dragonball Z.
– However, Space Ghost can only teleport himself; he cannot teleport other people with him.
— Seems to have a hard time concentrating on teleporting in the heat of battle, and is best used if he’s able to buy enough time to properly use it.
– Also did this in the 1968 little big book by concentrating so he can change each atom of his being into pure thought energy, then on later reassambling himself by another willed command back to his original form.
— Used this to sweep himself through a million tons of mountain
and sneak deep inside in a near instant.

TelescopingGazePost by DocMooBios
Telescopic Vision (1968 Little Big Book):
– The power to see far away things and “zoom in” on them even when they’re much further away .
– Can be used to scout areas, help spy on enemies from a distance or look inside of gaze into windows despite being very far away from them.
– Unknown if this is a natural ability he has on his own of it’s it’s thanks to a special gadget on his suit.

Weathermanipulation by DocMooBios
Weather Manipulation (1968 Little Big Book):
– Space Ghost has demonstrated using his powers/intelligence to manipulate the weather.
– Can circle the planet in order to find and and draw/gather clouds from elsewhere on the planet to bring them to a specific spot while also making use of his heat shield and cold shield to manipulate the air/clouds in the process.
– Can be used to bring in a real thunder storm into the area with a down pour so huge it can put out a fire big enough to engulf an entire town.
– Can quickly make clear skies fill with rain clouds in a short amount of time.


Moreintelligence by DocMooBios
General Intelligence (All incarnations):
– Is often very vigilant and aware.
– Is good at investigating and tracking down lost/missing people.
– Is experienced fighting all kinds of enemies be them robots, aliens, monsters, ect.
– Good at leading his enemies into traps or just making them charge recklessly.
— Often turns invisible before dodging incoming enemies just to confuse them and create the illusion that he’s teleporting.
– Has sometimes expected traps and thought ahead of his foes to fake his death/demise and take them by surprise instead.
– Sometimes uses his environment to his advantage; especially when it comes to out maneuvering giant sized foes.

Intelligence (Continued):
– When Space Ghost couldn’t penetrate a force field with his power bands, rather than wasting energy or strength trying to break it, he simply tunneled underground with his power bands to enter it from the inside (1966 cartoon).
– Manipulated/tricked Queen Satanari by pretending to surrender in defeat before turning invisible at the last second and wrapping her in her own constricting chains (1968 Little Big Book).
– Was smart enough to lure out Wrang the mind master out into the open by tricking him into leaving his physical host (Golden Comics Digest)
– Knows Morse code (Which he taught to Jan) (1981 Cartoon).
– Knows all about different kinds of space minerals from other planets and various kinds of space rocks (1981 Cartoon).
– Was able to mix a potion/antidote capable of returning him to normal size after he was shrunken (1981 Cartoon).
— Was capable of manipulating “Krugar” into super charging said antidote so he could change back to normal size fairly quickly (1981 Cartoon).
– Learned all about matter, energy, physics, and the universe from an old teacher of his (1967 Comic).
– Seemed to 
get the hang of using Hal Jordon’s Green Lantern ring fairly quickly (Space Ghost/Green Lantern Special).
— Considering that the ring is based off will power and Space Ghost’s power bands are based off the will power of the user in the Future Quest comics, this seems consistent.
– Some times tricks his foes via going invisible while his they’re are shooting at him to fake his own death.
— Once use his inviso-belt to fake his demise via making it look like he was totally vaporized/destroyed by an attack (2005 DC Comics).
— Once wrapped himself, his team mates, and the teen force in “Inviso-Power” they were able to fake their demise to trick Mega Mind (An evil sentient super computer) (1981 Cartoon).
– Contributed/helped plan a strategy along with Birdman, Dr. Quest, Dr. Zin, Doctor Linda Conroy and other very intelligent people to combat Omnikron (Future Quest Comics).

Invisibilityattack by DocMooBios
– Often uses his inviso-belt to help him sneak around or follow his foes to their bases with out their knowing (All incarnations).
— Knows how to keep quite while invisible, making him good at implementing stealth for infiltration or surprise attacks.
– Has shown himself to be good at sneaking around and hiding even with his inviso-powers disabled (1968 Little Big Book).
– While invisible, Space Ghost takes special care not to accidentally move anything (not even small rocks on the floor or blades of grass) while sneaking around (1968 Little Big Book).

ReprogramIntelligence by DocMooBios
Space Travel and Machinery:
– Is a great pilot with not just his phantom cruiser, but other vehicles be them other kinds of space ships, land vehicles, or even under water vessels like submarines. (All incarnations).
– Is a good pilot; could land the phantom cruiser perfectly even after the wind shields were covered in a thick layer of crystal obstructing his view (1981 Cartoon).
– Has reprogrammed machines to use them against his foes before (1966 and 1981 cartoons).
— Has also sabotaged machines that his enemies use (1966 and 1981 cartoons)
– Often fixes/modifies his own Phantom Cruiser as well as his power bands (All incarnations).
– Once modified the mystery machine so Scooby and the gang could travel through space (Scooby Doo Team Up).
– Is smart enough to tell when a robot is about to self destruct even with out a verbal cue (1966 cartoon).
– Has experience with time travel technology and even owns a fully functional time machine on the Ghost Planet (1966 cartoon).
— Even knows how to use his own Power bands to reverse time warps (1966 cartoon).
– Tends to modify and add new features to his power bands (1981 cartoon).
– Knows how to make Power Bands (Future Quest Comics).

Fighting Skill:
– Through out the franchise, Space Ghost has implemented throws and flips when fighting enemies.
– Has used these moves while fighting larger heavier enemies (1967 Comic).
— Also implemented such moves when fighting Metallus bare handed (1987 Comic).
– Has tutored and helped train Jan and Jace in the art of Judo (1997 Archie Comic).
— According to Jace, Space Ghost is a master of Judo.
– Judo is a martial art originating from Japan which focuses three categories of techniques; nage-waza (throwing techniques), katame-waza (grappling techniques), and atemi-waza (striking techniques that go for vital points).
— Judo also makes use of many techniques involving flips, throws, joint locks, choke holds, and physical strikes.
— Often used to make opponents lose balance, disrupt their power/attacks, force them to the ground and/or immobilizing them.
—- Can even be used to quickly take down/disarm enemies using weapons.
– Space Ghost seems to often use his opponent’s heavier body weight against them.
— Makes sense as one idea behind judo is using it’s techniques to defeat significantly bigger/stronger opponents.
– Being that he was once part of a police force, it’s likely he’s had police training (2005 DC Comics).
— Was able to hold his own against numerous alien criminals with his fighting skills and experience long before he became a super hero (2005 DC Comics).
– Was trained by the “Space Force” (Who are licensed interplanetary protectors) to be one of their officers, so he’s likely gotten combat training from them (Future Quest Comics).
– Though despite Space Ghost’s experience and fighting skill close up, he seems to primarily rely on distance combat or sneak attacks via flight, invisibility, and
power bands (Though he will throw down up close if he has to).
– That said, Space Ghost often displays great aim with his power bands and rarely misses his targets.
— He’s also shown absurd marksmanship; once fired a beam from his power bands at a moving phantom cruiser just as it was taking off and not only hit it, but managed to hit the ejector seat button on the controls in the cock pit through the windshield to launch Brak into space
(1997 comic).


SGpersonality by DocMooBios
– Has always had a great sense of justice and doing the right thing since back in the day when he was a peace keeper; is a very honorable man who always keeps his word.
– Has always had a low tolerance for crime and evil people in general, and was never afraid of confronting, fighting them, or getting brutal.
– Despite this he was always kind and compassionate and tries his best to keep hope alive in everyone and will stop what he’s doing in order to help some one in need.
— Has some times tried to redeem those who went on the wrong path.
– While he is against needless killing and doesn’t think criminals should die for lesser offenses (He’d rather to capture criminals and bring/leave them for galactic patrol to take care of), he has no problem finishing off his enemies if they’re too much of a threat to himself or the innocent.
– Is very brave and courageous; Has never been afraid of standing up to anyone whether it was a giant planet devouring entity or corrupted law enforcement officials/politicians.
— Has shown that he’s willing to risk his life/sacrifice himself if he feels it’s the only way.
– Fights in memory of those he lost be it his fallen comrades of the “Space Force” (Future Quest) or his deceased wife (2005 DC Comics).
– Has shown himself to be a father/mentor figure to Jan and Jace and will always come to their aid no matter what happens and displays a sense of humor and even playfulness when he’s around them.
– Being a super hero who originated from a Saturday Morning Cartoon show, he’s does the occasional quip or corny pun when he’s countering his enemies, about to defeat them, or after beating them.


^Click the image above to read about Space Ghost’s equipment and power band functions^
– Space Ghost has always primarily used his suit, inviso-belt, and power bands.
– Implied the boots on his suit are responsible for his power of flight.
– His inviso-belt gives him the power of invisibility.
– His power bands are his primary weapon through out the franchise.
– Has a VERY wide array of powers he can access through his power bands.
– His most used abilities are his Force Ray, Destructo-Ray, Stun Ray, Heat Ray/Heat Force, and Freeze Ray/Freeze Force.
– That said, he has many other lesser known powers he can use with his power bands capable of.
– Power Bands can create invisible force fields around Space Ghost that protect him from blunt force, explosions, attacks as powerful as his own, and intense heat.
– Can also increase his speed with “Super Speed/Hyper Speed” and strength with “Super Power”.
– All in all, has over 30 functions that make the power bands handy for all kinds of situations.
– Power Bands have shown that they are capable of holding back or even reversing planet level power.
— Could possibly be even more powerful when scaled to Larfleeze and Hal Jordan (Who are both Solar System level) who Space Ghost fought one after another (With Space Ghost winning the first fight and tying with Hal during the second) Thought this is non-canon Crossover scaling.

^Click the image above to read about Space Ghost’s Phantom Cruiser^
Phantom Cruiser:
– Space Ghost’s personal vehicle that has been used in all incarnations to travel through space.
– Is capable of space travel ranging from massively hypersonic to massively faster than light speeds.
– Also has many weapons/functions including the ability to become invisible itself.
– Changed design for the 1981 cartoon, but kept the same design for every other incarnation.


Accomplishments by DocMooBios
– Has fought and defeated monsters and villains all across the galaxy and saved entire planets.
– Has saved his side kicks Jan, Jace, and blip from numerous threats.
– Has teamed up with other Hanna-Barbera classic action cartoon heroes such as the Herculoids, the Teen Force, Astro and the Space Mutts, and the Galaxy Trio .
1966 Cartoon (Space Ghost and Dino Boy):
– Flew many times the speed of light to save the earth from Metallus’s planet busting “Super Missile” (1966).
– Busted a group of “Lizard Slavers” who were capturing humans and selling them as slaves to other planets (1966).
– Took the Ghost Planet back from Metallus and his fleet of robots (1966)
– Went back in time to save Jan and Jace from vikings (1966).
– Thwarted and escaped from a series of traps and trials laid out before him by the council of doom one after another with help from Jan, Jace, Blip, and other Hanna Barbera action heroes of the time (1966).
— Held back cosmic power capable of blowing up a planet (1966).
1981 Cartoon (Space Stars):
– Along with the Herculoids; Prevented Uglor from making Ghost Planet collide into Planet Quasar (Where the Herculoids live).
– Once saved planet Quasar from being turned entirely into crystals by a crystal cyborg.
– Along with the Teen Force; was able to cleverly outsmart the sentient evil super computer “Mega Mind”.
– Along with Electra (Another space hero of the “Teen Force”); helped save an entire city from being pulled into a sun (1981) .
– Has fought and out smarted “Space Spectre”, an evil space pirate version of himself from a mirror universe (1981).
2005 DC Comics:
– Saved a Young Jan and Jace from being torn apart and devoured by Zorak’s foot soldiers.
– Took on Zorak’s army and wiped out a majority of them all by himself.
– Later saved an entire city from a collapsing ship that would have wiped everyone out by forcing it way up into the atmosphere himself despite his power bands and force fields being low on power.
Future Quest:
– Easily defeated the Galaxy Trio all at once before helping to reform them and make them into super heroes again.
– Was the only one of the “Space Force” left over after their great battle with Omnikron.
– Fought the entity “Omnikron” (Who has the power to devour/assimilate entire planets and move through out time/space/dimensions via vortexes) for days through hyperspace to keep him away from the planet earth all by himself (Future Quest).
– Along with numerous other heroes such as Bird Man, The Herculoids, Johnny Quest’s family, The Impossibles, Frankenstein Jr, and Mightorr; defeated the dimension/time hopping planet devouring entity “Omnikron” once and for all.
– Took Omnikron’s frozen remains towed them into the sun, destroying him once and for all.
Space Ghost/Green Lantern Special:
– Defeated the Orange Lantern Larfleeze (Who is Solar System level and Massively Faster than Light) .
— Up to the writer if this scaling can apply to an actual Death Battle
– Fought Green Lantern Hal Jordon to a draw (and only got knocked out himself due to being distracted at the last moment) .
– Had enough will power to make use of a Green Lantern Ring.
– Teamed up with the Green Lantern to fight a small army and inspired a revolution on a planet that lead them to discovering space travel.
– Defeated Wrang the mind master and made him retreat back to the dark galaxy (Golden Comics Digest).
– Once crushed an Assassin Alliance on planet Izhinor in another galaxy (1968 Little Big Book).
– Once managed to outsmart and capture the evil queen Satanari and saved an entire town from her and her giant mechanical spider (1968 Big Book).
– Faced off a series of trials from Zorak, Brak, Beast Master, and Lurker, fought Metallus, and had enough strength left over to take on his evil android counter part along side Jan, Jace, and Blip (1987 Comic).
– Once survived being hit by two anti-matter rays; instead of being eradicated his molecules were merely disrupted which allowed him to continue to existing in a transparent matter phasing form long enough before he was turned back to normal. (1997 Archie Comic).
– Teamed up with Batman and fought along side him against the Creature King and his armor of alien beasts (Batman Brave and the Bold).
– Teamed up with Scooby Doo and the gang in order to foil Zorak and Moltar’s plans on the moon to conquer earth (Scooby Doo Team Up).


ExtraArms2 by DocMooBios
– If he’s attacked while his shields are down (Which he often needs to activate and deactivate manually), he’s more susceptible to mortal injury.
– If Space Ghost’s hands are restrained/tied/locked to his sides, he won’t be able to reach/press the buttons on his power bands to activate any of their functions.
— Though this can be remedied with his “Self-Teleportation” ability which allows him to escape restraints.
– His Power bands and inviso-belt can be removed and taken from him.
— That said, enemies who steal his power bands often coax him into removing them by using Jan and Jace/hostages as leverage or challenging him to fight with out them.
— Unlikely anyone can just remove his power bands or inviso-belt at any time due to his force field being able to repel those who get too close.
— As of the Future Quest Comics, Space Ghost’s power bands are near impossible to remove thanks to a special safeguard.
— Not even Metallus and his men, who are beings of pure energy in armored metallic shells/bodies could remove them while Space Ghost remained unconscious for some time.
– Considerably much weaker with out his power bands; while super humanly strong/durable/fast, he’s nowhere near as powerful as he is with them on since putting them often often increases his physical attributes.
— Also loses his ability to create force fields with out his power bands.
— Even with out his power bands he can still become invisible (assuming he still has the inviso-belt), retains his ability to breath and talk in space, and can still fly (At least he could still fly in the 1981 cartoon with out them).
– Some times Jan and Jace (and even Blip) have had to come to his aid.
— That, or he has to keep worrying about saving them since they ALWAYS get kidnapped or are in danger.
– Will not turn down a challenge when it comes to criminals.
— That has lead him to be tricked/trapped on occasion and has lead him to making stupid decisions (Such as fighting Metallus with out his Power Bands despite knowing he didn’t stand a chance, but this can just be another matter of character/plot induced stupidity due to Jan and Jace’s lives being at stake).
– While his force fields make him immune to psychic/mental attacks/hypnotism/mind control, with out his force fields his ability to resist such things is severely limited.
– Doesn’t have a lot of experience fighting foes who use magic and doesn’t have a strong resistance to it (Was easily taken over by a “mind witch” once when his guard was down).
– His force field DOES NOT protect him from sleep gas.
— That said, he did build up a better resistance to it in the 1987 comic (Was trapped in a room filled with the stuffed getting bombarded with attacks and refused to submit).
– When invisible, some times his shadow will be visible if a bright light is shining directly on him.
– If he uses up too much power while using one function of his power bands, he can lose use of that function in question (Though he’ll still have access to all the others).
— Used all the power of his freeze ray to freeze a “Star Beast” and had to rely on other means to try to freeze a second one (Though he was still able to use the other functions of his power bands to blow up a comet).
– Intense sonic waves/beams can actually cancel out the rays on his power bands.
– It turns out that high “counter frequencies” can disrupt his (as well as his side kick’s) inviso-power, which will leave him exposed and unable to switch it back on (1968 Little Big Book).
– In the 2005 DC comics, it turns out that after awhile his power bands, flight capabilities, force fields, and inviso-belt (which both run off separate power sourceswill run out after awhile (Though it does take a long time).
— Afterwards, it takes Space Ghost 16 hours to for his equipment to recharge.
— That said, this NEVER happened in any other incarnations, and it’s possible he’s since upgraded all of his gadgets (Since they only ran out of power back when he was first starting out) so they almost never run out of energy.
—- In Future Quest, Space Ghost’s power bands lasted him for days while fighting Omnikron through hyperspace.
– Was eventually made into a joke for “Space Ghost Coast to Coast” (Who arguably became much more popular and remembered than his original action show).
— Turns out that might have actually happened as a result of Zorak and Moltar hypnotizing him.

HeckYes by DocMooBios

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I've gone by many names: DoctormooDB, DoctorMoo, DocMoo, or just "Moo". I fancy myself a story teller first and a VS researcher/debater second. But hey, I'm just here to have fun and write about my favorite characters beating the snot out of each other.

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