VS Bio: Space Ghost (Composite)

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Space Ghost66 by DocMooBiosSpaceGhostMain by DocMooBios

Space Ghost

Real Name: Thaddeus Bach (Thaddeus Ghostal in Coast to Coast)
Captain Kyr, Thad, Tad Ghostal, Tadpole (As called by his brother), Space Ghost: The earl of peppercorn
First Appearance: Space Ghost and Dinoboy Episode 1 “The Heat Thing” (September 10, 1966)
First Coast to Coast Appearance: Space Ghost Coast to Coast Episode 1: “Spanish Translation” (April 15, 1994)

Age: Said to be 30, but he is speculated to be much older (At least 50)
Weight: 200 lbs
Occupation: Peace Keeper, Galactic Super Hero,
 Talk Show Host, Show Writer, Narrator/announcer
Affiliation: The Commandment, The Space Force, Ghost Patrol (His group consisting of himself, Jan, Jace, and Blip), 
The Cartoon Planet Band
Justice, Saving people, Keeping the peace, Picnics, defeating bad guys, his wards Jan and Jace, His pet/side kick Blip, Fame, Glory, Attention, Showing Off, Himself, Beef Longs, Bicycles, Dancing, Ultraman, Smooth Music, Chuck Norris, Pie, Mexican Food
Theme song: 

Back Story:

OriginSG by DocMooBios
1966 and 1981 cartoon:
– No back story was given or hinted at; But Space Ghost definitely built up a reputation across the galaxy from all the lives he saved and all the villains he took down over the years.
– Patrolled the galaxy in his phantom cruiser with his two side kicks “Jan and Jace” as well as their pet Monkey Blip who aided him on his heroic endeavors.
— That, or they’d get kidnapped and he’d need to rescue them.
– Though the DC comics tried to give him an origin story (Albeit two different ones).
— Also had a different origin story in “Space Ghost Coast to Coast”.

2005 DC Comics:
– Was once a married man named Thaddeus Bach and an officer of “the Commandment”, an interstellar police force.
– Was later recruited to join the “Eidolon Eight” to fight and destroy evil.
– He discovered they were lawless vigilantes and tried to severe ties with them.
– They killed his wife Ellia (Who was pregnant with their son) and then left him for dead on a lifeless planet.
– While there, Bach met Salomon (A hermit who lived on a planet that killed off it’s entire population thanks to the weapons he built, which he deeply regretted) and later took some of his weapons to get revenge on those who left him for dead.
– While he did fight primarily to get revenge on the Eidolon Eight; he later realized that protecting the innocent was more important.
– Got his Super hero name from Jan and Jace’s stories of a “Space Ghost” who would punish misbehaving children
– Later established his headquarters on Saloman’s lifeless planet and renamed it the ghost planet (Think of it as the bat cave… except it’s an entire planet).
– Since then he has vowed to fight in the endless war on evil and has since raveled the universe.
– Later became the ward of Jan, Jace, (and their pet monkey, Blip.) and together they formed the “Ghost Patrol”.
Future Quest:
– Was once part of the “Space Force” where he went by the name of Captain Kyr.
– The “Space Force” were 
interplanetary protectors made up of beings from different planets across the who fought crime all over the galaxy using power bands (Kind of like the Green Lantern Core but on a smaller scale).
– They were stationed on the planet Voranova; which was formerly the central governing world of an entire star system.
– On day the planet was ravaged by the planet devouring entity known as “Omnikron” whom the entire Space Force had to fight off while the rest of the surviving populace evacuated to other worlds.
– Captain Kyr was the only survivor at the end, and the battle had left the entire planet drained and unable to sustain any more life, hence it became a “Ghost Planet” .
– Later used what technology he could salvage to continue fighting crime across the galaxy, now going by the name “Space Ghost” who now uses the “Ghost Planet” on his base of operations.
– Hopes to one day rebuild the “Space Force”, and is currently training Jan and Jace to become the first of a new generation of Space Force members in years. 

Coast to Coast:
– Is the grandson of “Leonard Ghostal”, a now retired space wrestler (Who sounded/acted a lot like Macho Man Randy Savage).
– Grew up a young boy named “Thaddeus Ghostal” (Or “Tad Ghostal” for short) with his twin “Chad Ghostal”  as well as his sister Judy.
— One day, a hot dog made Chad “lose control” and he became Space Ghost’s evil twin who always made “Tad” cry.

– As a child, he sang in choir, went to batman fantasy camp, and loved his bicycle which his father threw at him every chance he got.
— That’s why he started sleeping in the trees: He couldn’t throw it that high (As a result he had to eat 
walnuts and bark for nourishment and was called “Tree Wizard” in school).
– Went to super hero night school in his mid 20’s (Where he had 16 cups of ginger ale and wet himself).
– Claims he died at some point in his life (Hence why he calls himself “Space Ghost”) though his story for his “Death” is inconsistent and it’s likely his stupidity/delusion or just him trying to justify his super hero name in general.
– Was fighting bad guys in 1959; 7 years before he got his action show (Comics)
— At that point, he was mentored by a much older hero named “Space Hunter” (The father of Jan and Jace).

– Implied that he is actually the original Space Ghost from the 1966 action show, and that the events of that show actually happened.
– Though he did mistreat his side kicks Jan, Jace, and blip rather frequently; often deliberately putting them in danger when they didn’t want to be and even purposely abandoning them on occasion.
– Before getting a talk show, Space Ghost was mentored 
by a potted plant talk show host named “Warren” who… might have sexually harassed/abused him
– At some point in the 90’s, the network tried giving Birdman his own late night talk show, but unfortunately Birdman couldn’t function with out the sun present, so he was finally replaced with Space Ghost .
– Space Ghost brought along his two enemies/prisoners Zorak and Moltar to work with him on the show and worked on the show for a good 8 seasons (10 if you include the game tap episodes).
— Also brought Brak along with him to work on “Cartoon Planet”.
– Though even after his talk show ended, Space Ghost continued to make guest appearances on other shows and even went back to being on patrol for crime/evil doers.
— It is said that he was hypnotized into doing Coast to Coast before the hypnosis finally wore off, so there’s a chance that this new back story leading up to Coast to Coast was the result of his hypnosis.


^ Click to read about Space Ghosts composite physical feats^
– While super strong on his own (At least wall to building level considering he can break metal chain restraints, fight all kinds of aliens bigger than himself, and bust down large heavy metal doors on space ships with a single punch with ease with out power bands) he generally uses his power bands to increase his strength.
– Same applies to his durability; he often protects himself with a force field in order to survive all kinds of attacks including ones as powerful as his own
— That said, he did take a massive beating from Zorak’s champion “Titanor” (Who’s beams could destroy incredibly powerful metals and could hammer Space Ghost through the ground like a nail) when he was only equipped with fake weak power bands (and despite his defeat he suffered 0 injuries aside from being weary from the battle).
– Might be Massively Hypersonic+ in the very least due to many occasions of reacting to speeding comets.
– Could potentially be FTL+ to MFTL+ due to being able to fly to different planets in a short amount of time (and react to projectiles while doing so), fight enemies in Hyperspace, and being able to out fly his own Phantom Cruiser.
— Though these FTL+ to MFTL+ speed feats could also be thanks to his Power Bands (See “Weapons/Equipment” below).

Special Powers/Abilities:

^Click to read about Space Ghost’s abilities^
– Space Ghost has the power to some how breath, talk, and survive in the vaccuum of space.
— How he can do this is unknown.
– By 
focusing all of his will, Space Ghost can to change each atom of his being to pure thought and energy and teleport to another location and reassemble himself.
– Later gained a series of weird random abilities (that are brief and mostly out of his control) thanks to the weird comical random nature Coast to Coast and Cartoon planet.

Intelligence and Mentality:

^Click to read about Space Ghost’s intelligence and personality^
– Has years of experience fighting all kinds of aliens, robots, monsters, and criminals over his career.
– Excels at using his stealth to sneak up on or trick his enemies using his inviso-powers.
– Has great skill with working with/modifying technology and knows how to reprogram, repair, sabotage, and modify all kinds of space age/alien technology.
– Can speak Italian, Spanish, Bee, and Crow.
– Has fourth wall awareness.
– Though in Coast to Coast he also became a huge idiot and has done/said things that range from random and dumb to just ludicrously asinine.
— That said, he did display that he was still a competent Super Hero off the show despite he new found stupidity and never let it hinder him much (Coast to Coast comics).
– Started off as a typical heroic Saturday morning cartoon super hero who always did what he could to help others and save the day while saying the occasional quip or pun during/after a fight.
– The DC Comics gave him a background story that shows that he is motivated by those he lost in the past (Be it his wife and son or the Space Force).
– In Coast to Coast he became a big oblivious buffoon who was very full of himself and did strange random things.


^Click to read about Space Ghost’s equipment and various Power Band functions^
Main Equipment/Power Band Functions:
– Space Ghost has always primarily used his suit, inviso-belt, and power bands.
– Implied the boots on his suit are responsible for his power of flight.
– His inviso-belt gives him the power of invisibility.
– His power bands have LOADS of functions/abilities they can grant him which vary from incarnation to incarnation.
– Power Bands can create invisible force fields around Space Ghost that protect him from blunt force, explosions, attacks as powerful as his own, and intense heat.
– Power Bands can also increase his strength and speed.
– Power Bands have shown that they are capable of holding back or even reversing planet level power.
— Could possibly be even more powerful when scaled to Larfleeze and Hal Jordan (Who are both Solar System level) who Space Ghost fought one after another (With Space Ghost winning the first fight and tying with Hal during the second).

^Click to read about Space Ghost’s other weapons^
Other Weapons/Objects:
– Used a bunch of different weapons/objects (Especially during coast to coast).
– Most of them seem to be able to be pulled out via hammer space.

^ Click to read about the Phantom Cruiser^
Phantom Cruiser:

– Space Ghost’s personal vehicle that has been used in all incarnations to travel through space.
– Is capable of space travel ranging from massively hypersonic to massively faster than light speeds.
– Also has many weapons/functions including the ability to become invisible itself.
– Changed design for the 1981 cartoon, but kept the same design for every other incarnation.


Accomplishments by DocMooBios
– Has fought and defeated monsters and villains all across the galaxy and saved entire planets.
– Has saved his side kicks Jan, Jace, and blip from numerous threats.
– Has teamed up with other Hanna-Barbera classic action cartoon heroes such as the Herculoids, the Teen Force, Astro and the Space Mutts, and the Galaxy Trio.

1966 Cartoon (Space Ghost and Dino Boy):
– Flew many times the speed of light to save the earth from Metallus’s planet busting “Super Missile” (1966).
– Busted a group of “Lizard Slavers” who were capturing humans and selling them as slaves to other planets (1966).
– Took the Ghost Planet back from Metallus and his fleet of robots (1966).
– Went back in time to save Jan and Jace from vikings (1966).
– Thwarted and escaped from a series of traps and trials laid out before him by the council of doom one after another with help from Jan, Jace, Blip, and other Hanna Barbera action heroes of the time (1966).
Held back cosmic power capable of blowing up a planet (1966).

1981 Cartoon (Space Stars):
– Along with the Herculoids; Prevented Uglor from making Ghost Planet collide into Planet Quasar (Where the Herculoids live).
– Once saved planet Quasar from being turned entirely into crystals by a crystal cyborg.
– Along with the Teen Force; was able to cleverly outsmart the sentient evil super computer “Mega Mind”.

– Along with Electra (Another space hero of the “Teen Force”); helped save an entire city from being pulled into a sun (1981).
– Has fought and out smarted “Space Spectre”, an evil space pirate version of himself from a mirror universe (1981).

2005 DC Comics:
– Saved a Young Jan and Jace from being torn apart and devoured by Zorak’s foot soldiers.
– Took on Zorak’s army and wiped out a majority of them all by himself.
– Later saved an entire city from a collapsing ship that would have wiped everyone out by forcing it way up into the atmosphere himself despite his power bands and force fields being low on power.

Future Quest:
– Easily defeated the Galaxy Trio all at once before helping to reform them and make them into super heroes again.
– Was the only one of the “Space Force” left over after their great battle with Omnikron.
– Fought the entity “Omnikron” (Who has the power to devour/assimilate entire planets and move through out time/space/dimensions via vortexes) for days through hyperspace to keep him away from the planet earth all by himself (Future Quest).
– Along with numerous other heroes such as Bird Man, The Herculoids, Johnny Quest’s family, The Impossibles, Frankenstein Jr, and Mightorr; defeated the dimension/time hopping planet devouring entity “Omnikron” once and for all
– Took Omnikron’s frozen remains towed them into the sun, destroying him once and for all.

Space Ghost/Green Lantern Special:
– Defeated the Orange Lantern Larfleeze (Who is Solar System level and Massively Faster than Light).
— Up to the writer if this scaling can apply to an actual Death Battle.
– Fought Green Lantern Hal Jordon to a draw (and only got knocked out himself due to being distracted at the last moment).
– Had enough will power to make use of a Green Lantern Ring.
– Teamed up with the Green Lantern to fight a small army and inspired a revolution on a planet that lead them to discovering space travel.

Coast to Coast:
– Along with a much younger Jan and Jace; rescued “Space Hunter” and his wife from Zorak and his crew.
Once used the power of Sugarman’s Taco Pies to thwart his Nemsis “Black Widow” and save his side kicks.
– Went on to be a famous talk show host and interviewed many guests over the years such as Weird Al Yankovic, Beck, Conan O’ Brian, Mike Judge, Adam West, Slash, Jim Carey, Alice Cooper, Hulk Hogan, Mark Hamill, Penn and Teller, Willy Nelson, and many more.
— Interviewed more than 170 guest stars on his TV show.
– Blew up his over sized Brine Shrimp “Banjo” after it mutated into a giant monster.
– Rescued Brak from drowning in a room flooded with gravy.
– Blew up the Hoover dam.
– Blew up the Eiffel Tower and set France on fire.
– Ate Moby, Emo Phillips, Moltar, and Zorak within a span of less than 15 minutes one after the other.
– Defeated and captured Dr. Nightmare (Attorney at law), who vibro-shocked 3 galaxies out of existence, stole fizzy listing drinks, and tried to steal Space Ghost’s brain.
– Once saved Jupiter from being destroyed by a giant dog known as “Fidor”.
– Broke out of prison, flew all the way to the Ghost Planet, and fought Birdman.
– Married Bjork.
– Defeated the Air Conditioning guy and the Heating guy one after another in a death match, and then survived a large hook-like blade through his head.
– With only 40 minutes left until his show was on the air, Space Ghost defeated Koloth who shrank the inhabitants of a planet down for his collection (Which he also restored to their normal size) and made it back to the Ghost Planet just in time to have an interview with Batman.
— Claims that Batman owes HIM money (He still owes Space Ghost for that dinner he bought him at R. J. McGoodtimes.) and is one of the few that knows that Batman is Bruce Wayne.
– Won the intergalactic association of broadcasters golden throaty award for most pleasing voice (Late Night Talk Show. Basic cable category).

– Defeated Wrang the mind master and made him retreat back to the dark galaxy (Golden Comics Digest).
– Once crushed an Assassin Alliance on planet Izhinor in another galaxy (1968 Little Big Book).

– Once managed to outsmart and capture the evil queen Satanari and saved an entire town from her and her giant mechanical spider (1968 Big Book).

– Faced off a series of trials from Zorak, Brak, Beast Master, and Lurker, fought Metallus, and had enough strength left over to take on his evil android counter part along side Jan, Jace, and Blip (1987 Comic).
– Once survived being hit by two anti-matter rays; instead of being eradicated his molecules were merely disrupted which allowed him to continue to existing in a transparent matter phasing form long enough before he was turned back to normal. (1997 Archie Comic).
– Teamed up with Batman and fought along side him against the Creature King and his armor of alien beasts (Batman Brave and the Bold).
– Teamed up with Scooby Doo and the gang in order to foil Zorak and Moltar’s plans on the moon to conquer earth (Scooby Doo Team Up).


SGCompositeWeakness by DocMooBios
– If he’s attacked while his shields are down (Which he often needs to activate and deactivate manually), he’s more susceptible to mortal injury.
– If Space Ghost’s hands are restrained/tied/locked to his sides, he won’t be able to reach/press the buttons on his power bands to activate any of their functions.
— Though this can be remedied with his “Self-Teleportation” ability which allows him to escape restraints.
– His Power bands and inviso-belt can be removed and taken from him.
— That said, 
enemies who steal his power bands often coax him into removing them by using Jan and Jace/hostages as leverage or challenging him to fight with out them.
— Unlikely anyone can just remove his power bands or inviso-belt at any time due to his force field being able to repel those who get too close.
— As of the Future Quest Comics, Space Ghost’s power bands are near impossible to remove thanks to a special safeguard  .
— Not even Metallus and his men, who are beings of pure energy in armored metallic shells/bodies could remove them while Space Ghost remained unconscious for some time.
– Considerably much weaker with out his power bands; while super humanly strong/durable/fast, he’s nowhere near as powerful as he is with them on since putting them often often increases his physical attributes.
— Also loses his ability to create force fields with out his power bands.

— Even with out his power bands he can still become invisible (assuming he still has the inviso-belt), retains his ability to breath and talk in space, and can still fly (At least he could still fly in the 1981 cartoon with out them).

– Some times Jan and Jace (and even Blip) have had to come to his aid.
— That, or he has to keep worrying about saving them since they ALWAYS get kidnapped or are in danger.
– Will not turn down a challenge when it comes to criminals.
— That has lead him to be tricked/trapped on occasion and has lead him to making stupid decisions (Such as fighting Metallus with out his Power Bands despite knowing he didn’t stand a chance
but this can just be another matter of character/plot induced stupidity due to Jan and Jace’s lives being at stake).
– While his force fields make him immune to psychic/mental attacks/hypnotism/mind control, with out his force fields his ability to resist such things is severely limited.
– Doesn’t have a lot of experience fighting foes who use magic and doesn’t have a strong resistance to it (Was easily taken over by a “mind witch” once when his guard was down).

– His force field DOES NOT protect him from sleep gas.
— That said, he did build up a better resistance to it in the 1987 comic (He was trapped in a room filled with the stuffed getting bombarded with attacks and refused to submit).
– When invisible, some times his shadow will be visible if a bright light is shining directly on him.

– If he uses up too much power while using one function of his power bands, he can lose use of that function in question (Though he’ll still have access to all the others).
— Used all the power of his freeze ray to freeze a “Star Beast” and had to rely on other means to try to freeze a second one (Though he was still able to use the other functions of his power bands to blow up a comet).
– Intense sonic waves/beams can actually cancel out the rays on his power bands.

Coast to Coast:
– Was eventually made into a joke for “Space Ghost Coast to Coast” (Who arguably became much more popular and remembered than his original action show).
— Turns out that might have actually happened as a result of Zorak and Moltar hypnotizing him.

– Is actually pretty dumb.
— That said, his stupidity has never gotten in the way of him thwarting villains when he fought bad guys off the air during Coast to Coast.
– Has a rather large ego.
– Can sometimes shoot first and ask questions later.
– Claims he is allergic to muffins.
– Is afraid of lightning (even if he doesn’t wanna admit it).

 Some times forgets to turn his force field on (Which might explain the inconsistent durability).
– Is nowhere cool as his brother “Chad Ghostal”.

– Claims to be color blind.

– It turns out that high “counter frequencies” can disrupt his (as well as his side kick’s) inviso-power, which will leave him exposed and unable to switch it back on (1968 Little Big Book).
– In the 2005 DC comics, it turns out that after awhile his power bands, flight capabilities, force fields, and inviso-belt (which both run off separate power sources
will run out after awhile (Though it does take a long time).
— Originally it took Space Ghost 16 hours to for his equipment to recharge, but in Coast to Coast it only took 5 minutes and 45 seconds for his power bands to fully recharge.
— That said, this NEVER happened in any other incarnations, and it’s possible he’s since upgraded all of his gadgets since.
—- In Future Quest, Space Ghost’s power bands lasted him for days while fighting Omnikron through hyperspace.

SGComposite3 by DocMooBios
“I’m a super hero first and a talk show host second!” 

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I've gone by many names: DoctormooDB, DoctorMoo, DocMoo, or just "Moo". I fancy myself a story teller first and a VS researcher/debater second. But hey, I'm just here to have fun and write about my favorite characters beating the snot out of each other.