Space Ghost Phantom Cruiser (No Coast to Coast)

PhantomCruiser by DocMooBios
Phantom Cruiser:
– Space Ghost’s primary mode of transport through every incarnation
– Used for flying from planet to planet in a short amount of time
– On average, it can fly at speeds faster than that of a speeding comet (Which would be around Mach 1717.25)
— Due to being able to get to different planets across the galaxy in all incarnations in a short time frame, it’s likely FTL+ to MFTL+ in terms of it’s travel speed (As different solar systems are often light years/parsecs away from each other)
– Like Space Ghost, it can also turn invisible with the press of a button
– Is also capable of surrounding itself in a force field in order to protect itself from enemy projectiles and even meteors
— However, if the force field isn’t deployed, it can easily be damaged by such things until it’s unable to properly function
– Was made by Salomon, also known as the “Blood Mechanic.” (The same hermit who found Space Ghost) (2005 DC Comics)
— Was originally a war vehicle known as a “Sky Hawk” before it was modified/re-painted by Space Ghost to use as his own personal vehicle. (2005 DC Comics)

1966 Cartoon:
– Can activate “Freeze Mist” to create a shield of cold air around it which can put out flames when it’s on fire
– Can also cool it off if it’s been hit by molten lava to negate it’s heat
– Tanked getting hit by a lava bomb and was still functional
– Can deploy a large heat ray underneath it that’s hot enough to melt down a lava monster (Don’t ask)
— The heat ray on average is hot enough to melt large boulders and melt tunnels through mountains in seconds, meaning it’s heat must be at least 600 to 1,300 degrees Celsius (1,100 to 2,400 degrees Fahrenheit)
— Heat ray c
an melt long ship-sized tunnels through icy mountains in seconds so it can pass/fly all the way through with out crashing
– Can shoot out blasts that destroy large rock formations
– Has a hover function, so it can hover in space/in the air by itself completely stationary so Space Ghost can leave it behind
– Can fire Heat Seeking Missiles half as big as itself capable of tracking large sources of heat and blowing them up
— Heat seeking missile can even tunnel underground past layers of snow and dirt just to reach its target before detonating
– Can emit an “Electro Shock Force Field” which is powerful enough to electrocute giant monsters holding onto the ship in order to cause them enough pain to let go
— Can even use the Electro Shock Force Field when the ship is too trashed to fly
– If space Ghost alters the wires of his phantom cruisers weapons via crossing an energy force with a neutron ionizer, it can fire an energy force beam capable of making a time warp that throws his enemy back in time into the past
— Can leave his opponent stranded in the past itself
– Can “tele-project” images of itself far ahead as a decoy
— the image is destructible, and can be used to create the illusion that his ship has been destroyed by enemy weapons

81Cruiser by DocMooBios
1981 Cartoon:
– Had a different design/appearance in the 1981 show (But it seemed to have the same functions as it’s 1966 counter part)
— This might likely be due to how banged up the Phantom Cruiser got during the finale of the 1966 series, meaning it was likely rebuilt, replaced, or upgraded.
– Has a radar on board in order to detect incoming space ships, asteroids/comets, space debris, and planets 
– Can fire a tractor beam that when combined with the psychic powers of “Electra” was powerful enough to pull an entire city out of the gravitational pull of a sun
— Even before Electra joined in, it was strong enough to at least hold back said city for a little while

– Can create a force field to protect him from explosive weapons from enemy ships
— Can put up “reflector shields” which not only block energy projectiles, but redirect them back at enemy ships as well

– Often fires energy beams (Similar to the ones that Space Ghost’s power bands shoot out) from three locations (One from underneath each wing and one from underneath the front)
Has enough fire power to destroy large clusters of asteroids one after another in just seconds
– Has enough fire power to blow up a giant energy draining monster big enough to be seen from space
— The fire power needed to blow up/destroy a monster that big would be anywhere from Island to Continent level
– Phantom Cruiser survived being caught in the explosion of a super nova (1981 Cartoon)
– Phantom Cruiser was fine after flying VERY close to a Nuetron Star and was able to resist it’s gravity (With some help from Electra from the Teen Force anyway) (1981 Cartoon)

– It’s force fields are powerful enough to survive the gravity/force of a black hole
— Though in his world, while Black Holes still have intense gravity/force (that are still very fatal unless ones force fields are powerful enough to protect one’s self from it), they are also portals to other dimensions/universes, so they might not be completely comparable to real life black holes

– Can withstand a direct hit from a solar flare and be completely fine

– Goes invisible when it starts to near the speed of light thanks to it’s “Inviso-drive” (1967 Comic/1968 Little Big Book)
– The Phantom Cruiser can travel to a destination that’s 9 light years away in just several hours (1968 Little Big Book)
— If we assume the Phantom Cruiser took 24 hours to cross that distance, that would mean it’s traveling at speeds of 
3287 X the speed of light (low ball)
— If we assume the Phantom Cruiser took 7 hours to cross that distance, that would mean it’s traveling at speeds of 
11271 X Speed of light
— If we assume the Phantom Cruiser took only 3 hours to cross that distance, that would mean it’s traveling at speeds of 26299 X Speed of light (high ball)
– Considering that Space Ghost have traveled to other galaxies (which on average are 13.1 billion light years away from each other) it’s likely the Phantom Cruiser can go MUCH faster (and by extension Space Ghost himself when he jumps into hyper speed)
— Space Ghost once traveled to “The Fourth Galaxy” and to Earth (twice, once in the 1966 series and once in the Scooby Doo Team Up) which is said to be in a distant galaxy away from where Space Ghost is from
– Also has an auto-pilot function (1968 Little Big Book)
– Can turn around going at a thousand mile arc (1968 Little Big Book)
– Can fire rays that can disintegrate giant space bats (Hanna Barbera Super TV Heroes)
– Can sense and track down frequencies across space (Hanna Barbera Super TV Heroes)
– Can put up an “Interference shield” (Also known as a “Radionic Shield” to protect Space Ghost and everyone else on board from illusions and telepathy (Hanna Barbera Super TV Heroes)

– Can fire a powerful beam known as a “Meteor Smasher” which is used to destroy meteors/meteroids, comets, as well as enemy ships (Future Quest Comics)
— Some of the bigger meteoroids are just under 330 feet/100 meters big
— Comets can be the size of a house to larger sized of about 6 miles
– Is completely bullet proof; even the windows can’t be scratched by a barrage of automatic gun fire from numerous gunmen at the same time (Future Quest Comics)
– Has a “Tow Beam” that can be used to grab and pull even massively heavy objects in space such as the frozen body of Omnikron (Future Quest Comics)
— Was able to then toss Omnikron’s body into the sun shortly afterwards (Future Quest Comics)
– If the Phantom Cruiser crash lands, it can deploy numerous bubble-like air bags to protect the driver (Future Quest)
– Can fly to earth in a short amount of time (Which is galaxy’s away from his own home planet) (Scooby Doo Team Up)

< Back to the Space Ghost bio.

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I've gone by many names: DoctormooDB, DoctorMoo, DocMoo, or just "Moo". I fancy myself a story teller first and a VS researcher/debater second. But hey, I'm just here to have fun and write about my favorite characters beating the snot out of each other.

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